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Ireland will send migrants to the UK: Irish government to look at emergency laws to kick out immigrants sneaking in from Northern Ireland – after Rishi Sunak said Rwanda plan was deterring them away from Britain and to Ireland



Ireland will send migrants to the UK: Irish government to look at emergency laws to kick out immigrants sneaking in from Northern Ireland – after Rishi Sunak said Rwanda plan was deterring them away from Britain and to Ireland

Ireland has announced plans to send migrants who are sneaking into the country from Northern Ireland back to the UK. 

The Irish Taoiseach Simon Harris has asked his Minister for Justice to bring a change in the law that would force asylum seekers coming in to The Republic to return to Britain, according to Irish news site RTÉ.ie

The move reportedly came in response to comments made by Rishi Sunak earlier today insisted that migrants going into Ireland proves that his Flagship Rwanda plan is working as a ‘deterrent’. 

While Mr Harris did not address the remarks directly, a spokesperson for the Taoiseach told RTÉ.ie that ‘he is very clear about the importance of protecting the integrity of the migration system in Ireland’.

Mr Harris has requested proposals be brought to Cabinet next week ‘to amend existing law regarding the designation of safe ‘third countries’ and allowing the return of inadmissible International Protection applicants to the UK’.

The Irish Taoiseach Simon Harris who has announced plans to send migrants who are sneaking into the country from Northern Ireland back to the UK

The move came in response to comments made by Rishi Sunak (pictured) earlier today insisted that migrants going into Ireland proves that his Rwanda plan is working as a deterrent

The move came in response to comments made by Rishi Sunak (pictured) earlier today insisted that migrants going into Ireland proves that his Rwanda plan is working as a deterrent

Migrants react as a French police officer stands by ready to puncture the smuggler's boat with a knife to prevent migrants from embarking in an attempt to cross the English Channel

Migrants react as a French police officer stands by ready to puncture the smuggler’s boat with a knife to prevent migrants from embarking in an attempt to cross the English Channel 

The spokesmen said the Taoiseach ‘does not comment on the migration policies of any other country but he is very clear about the importance of protecting the integrity of the migration system in Ireland’.

‘Ireland has a rules-based system that must always be applied firmly and fairly,’ the spokesperson said.

‘In that context, the Taoiseach has asked the Minister for Justice to bring proposals to Cabinet next week to amend existing law regarding the designation of safe ‘third countries’ and allowing the return of inadmissible International Protection applicants to the UK.

‘This is one of a number of measures we are taking to strengthen our system and ensure that it is strong, effective and agile. Rules and the integrity of our migration system will be to the fore of our actions.’

Minister for Justice Helen McEntee is set to travel to London on Monday to discuss the returns policy with members of Rishi Sunak’s government. 

Under the UK’s current travel arrangement you do not need to show documentation when crossing the border, which the Irish government allege is the reason for 80 per cent of all asylum seekers in their county have crossed from Northern Ireland

Ms McEntee earlier this week claimed more than eight in ten asylum seekers in the Republic of Ireland have crossed into the country from Northern Ireland.

Some asylum seekers have reportedly been left sleeping in tents amid a rise in the number of migrants arriving in Ireland coupled with housing crisis.

Minister for Justice Helen McEntee is set to travel to London on Monday to discuss the returns policy with members of Rishi Sunak's government

Minister for Justice Helen McEntee is set to travel to London on Monday to discuss the returns policy with members of Rishi Sunak’s government

A protester in Parliament Square holds a sign referencing the migrant houses which have been sold off and the Rwanda refugee plan

A protester in Parliament Square holds a sign referencing the migrant houses which have been sold off and the Rwanda refugee plan

Irish premier Micheal Martin also claimed the UK’s asylum policy is driving migrants in fear of being deported to Rwanda across the border from Northern Ireland into the Republic.

Mr Martin, who also serves as Ireland’s foreign affairs minister, told reporters in Dublin on Friday: ‘Clearly, we’ve had an increase in the numbers coming into Northern Ireland into the Republic. 

‘And it’s fairly obvious that a Rwanda policy, if you’re a person in a given situation in the UK and well, then you don’t want to go to Rwanda – not that anybody has gone yet, I hasten to add.

‘So I think it’s a fair comment of mine. There are many other issues – it’s not in any way trying to blame anything or anything like that.’

In an interview with Sky News’ Sunday Morning with Trevor Phillips, which will air in full on Sunday the Prime Minster defended his flagship scheme saying ‘people are worried about coming here’.

Mr Sunak said: ‘My focus is on the United Kingdom and securing our borders. But what that comment illustrates is a couple of things.

‘One, that illegal migration is a global challenge, which is why you’re seeing multiple countries talk about doing third country partnerships, looking at novel ways to solve this problem, and I believe will follow where the UK has led.

‘But what it also shows, I think, is that the deterrent is, according to your comment, already having an impact because people are worried about coming here and that demonstrates exactly what I’m saying.

‘If people come to our country illegally, but know that they won’t be able to stay, they’re much less likely to come, and that’s why the Rwanda scheme is so important.’

The Prime Minster defended his flagship scheme on Sky News (above) saying 'people are worried about coming here'

The Prime Minster defended his flagship scheme on Sky News (above) saying ‘people are worried about coming here’

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak

Sky News' Sunday Morning presenter Trevor Phillips

 In an interview with Trevor Phillips, which will air in full on Sunday the Prime Minster defended his flagship scheme saying ‘people are worried about coming here’

Ministers plan to send asylum seekers coming to the UK on a one-way flight to the east African nation, with the aim of deterring others from crossing the English Channel on small boats.

Downing Street on Friday also rebuffed claims the Rwanda plan was already influencing movements into Ireland, saying it was too early to jump to conclusions on its impact.

But a No 10 spokeswoman told journalists in Westminster: ‘It is too early to jump to specific conclusions about the impact of the Act and treaty in terms of migrant behaviour.

‘Of course, we will monitor this very closely and we already work very closely as you would expect with the Irish government, including on matters relating to asylum.

‘But of course, the intention behind the Act is to have it serve as a deterrent and that is why we are working to get flights off the ground as swiftly as possible.’

Mr Sunak this week acknowledged it could still take 10 to 12 weeks to get flights in the air, in a blow to his earlier target of seeing this take place in the ‘spring’ of this year.

The government’s Rwanda Bill finally became law on Wednesday after months of delay, and a new treaty designed to ensure the African country is safe for migrants also came into force.

The moves mean that Home Office officials can now start detaining the first batch of migrants destined for deportation to Rwanda ahead of the first flights this summer.

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